Julia is available Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.
To make an appointment to see Julia, please contact her at [email protected]
Online sessions only
Julia Kundakci
Education: MSW, RSW
Background: Julia has worked in acute care mental health settings, community health centres, and primary care.
Specialty: Supporting individuals and families in exploring anxiety and depression, relational and developmental trauma, and post-traumatic stress.
Approach: Julia works from an anti-oppressive and trauma-informed framework that is grounded in transparency and authenticity. She draws on her training in a range of modalities, including Cogntive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Sensorimotor Pyschotherapy, and Mindfulness Meditation.
Perspective: Julia believes the body’s innate wisdom is a largely untapped resource in therapy, and her aim is to provide a safe and non-judgemental environment to explore the complexities of one’s inner landscape. With active compassion and curiosity, together you will explore opportunities for connection with self and others.